Brianc '的' place
brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.
星期日, 7月 30, 2006
Dinner was at MAYIM

Really looking forward these two days, there'll great feasts lasting me throughout!!! Saturday will be double treats, one buffet at noon &

Well well, Life's full of UPs and DOWNs.... Maybe it's kind of bad now, but will eventually be good soon. Never take things for granted, enjoy life & stay happy is the best thing for me now!
I'll post some of the breautiful picture of my youngest cousin, hmmm, just few months old one........ Alamak, I'm almost 25 yrs older than them........
星期五, 7月 28, 2006
Post-Convocation hours~
I promise to update the day photos in near to date, today darn tired~
星期四, 7月 27, 2006
When I was a little boy, never will I imagine that one day I'll be wearing a univerity graduate outfit and standing on the stage... I finally did it!
Does it really matters, such fate~
Geez, have it occured to you at any point of time you feel like you doesn't actually belong to where you are suppose to be in? Well I do! These couples of months stuck back in the military really put the pressure on me. Friends of my age are already securing a well stable job, some lucky ones can even afford a car or even have the opportunities to travel around the world sent by their companies. While ME, captured by the inflexible fate that homeland males have to serve the national for a fix period of their life really stresses me alot, and I mean ALOT! Especially for a competitive personality I have, seeing so many successful peers each and one of them making a mark in their careers are really a sore in the eyes, and I can't denied that I'm so jealous and helpless but to face the fact of being a MALE citizen.
I'm dealing with the issues of so many things on hand; the paying off loans used to put me through university, the savings needed to start a family, the chances of finding a job after peak seasons, my aging parents health & many other more.... The last thing I pray for is not to make my life difficult in the military.
I pray HARD.............
星期三, 7月 26, 2006
Eye Catching Things Around us...

And this newspaper stand at the train station
caught my eyes......
Steph Song!!! Woah, what a sexy outfit!!!
Saw a poster at the subway, geex this is a poster of a duck...
Well as named killer because they wanted to remind people
of the bird flu stuffs going around & BIRDs are dangerous
星期二, 7月 25, 2006
Give, Give Give...... & somemore I give
I'm always a accomodating person when it comes to relationship, I give more and perhaps it might seems like I'm always the 'playing good' guy, I also really and sheldom denied that I do need to take too. Giving too much made me realize that I slowly lose the ability to stand up for my stance or point of view. And slowly I felt like nobody infront of the mass with my voice only heard when I agree to someone else's idea.....
Nobody ever once wonder why I'm doing this or why I'm doing that. And because of my accomodating personality, sheldom will people actually pay attention nor stand in my shoes to realize me. I do not say people ain't giving me the respect yet I find it hard to share my passion with the rest, especially my loved ones!
My friends find it hard wondering why I'm asking them to join the marathon run, and I even have people coming up telling me they should be paid to run for the marathon(dud, which is suppose to be charity), I spend hard time approaching and asking them yet no one once appreciate. I always offer a listening ear to those in needs or accompany those who need me, yet no one is there when I need one... Busy might be, Not interested might be, Dunno how to might be.................
I'm doing things I like, no one ever ask about it..... When they asked, people look at me strangly wondering why I'm so into it.... Appreciation nahhhh~ Just know who am I please for I'm the one always accomodating to you.
星期一, 7月 24, 2006
Anyone joining me?
Date: 20th Aug / 7.30am / Sentosa
Run Route: 3 different terrains vary road, sand & forest trail
Cost: SGD25 (With race tee, arm pouch & goodies bag)
2) The Standard Chartered Run 2006
Oragnizer: Std Chartered
Date: 3rd Dec / Padang City Hall MRT
Run Route: 21km half marathon or Full marathon
Cost: $38(HM), $42(FM) before 31st Aug (Free tee, shoe bag, medals, cert.....)
Well, since I know many of my friends ain't no marathon runners so I'm ok to make new friends for these events. Interested do let me know via:

Yes, the TDF went to the Americans!!! So cheeky face make it to the end and I'm truly happy for him. Maybe this proves one thing, it really doesn't matter you are riding on a million-dollar design bike or wearing the most aerodynamic clothings, all it boils down to is individual's talents and skills......
sigh** When can I ever own my full carbon road bike?
星期日, 7月 23, 2006
Food Festival, but no foods fit~

Haha, seems like the weather is fine and together with the butt feeling much more smoother each day... Let's hit the outdoors~ Well, ain't that really a outdoor event because all I did was to visit the shopping mall next across the road. And the only outdoor portion was being crossing the road itself.
Food Festival, and so many people was flocking around the mall grounds. Everyone was like hunger freaks who havn't eaten for the past few months like that!!! It's so clampy & people were found again rubbing my butt each time they passed me~ Dubb, pain retrieved!

Geeez~ But I did enjoyed the breeze walk in the mall just now.... Say, it definately makes a sick man feels much more comfortable.... So to anyone out there sick yet can afford to make a walk down outdoors, it definately worth it!
星期六, 7月 22, 2006
The Stupidest Thing I Heard~
Peasant 1: Arrrh!!! The enemy is attacking us on the island...
Peasant 2: OMG, lets inform the Army and unite all forces to defend!
Peasants: Hey ENEMIES!!!!!
Land soldiers: We're all set to defend motherland~
Sea soldiers: We're fit to fight~
Air soldiers: We loved to FIGHT, but it just happen to be our Air commander's birthday today...
Everyone except the Air soldiers: HUHhhhhhh???
Air soldiers: Yup that's right, its my chief's birthday so we'll wouldn't be fighting as celebration on WAY~

(Picture from BBC SPORT)
This morning was supposed to be another usual saturday of my life, and the first thing waking up was to refresh the webpage on my laptop to see the latest updates on TDF. While browsing through the pages, I accidentally spotted a bold sentence saying "Ullrich FIRED from T-MOBILE".
Although its a expected decision from the start eversince I knew he's suspended from TDF'06 earlier on, I didn't expect the final outcome to be this fast released. Gone was his carrer and what more can make this time round TDF more boring. Armstrong's happy retirement and focusing on the marathon, Basso's absence too and Ullrich ganna FIRED big-time in the ass!!!
All left was some errr Landis (I always find his face abit cheeky~ Dunno Y too???)... Oscar Pereiro, the one still happily in yellow, HEY I'm starting to love Pinarello bikes!!! -----> Landis on the RIGHT, hehe cheeky looking yeah?
Seems like I do really enjoy the time at home! Especially it fits into the TDF period, anyway its also a fine time to get organize those "finding a jobby" stuffs and be more proactive in actually start looking for my potential employer than lazing around in camp~
Next week blogging will bring you'll to more ON my 'CONVOCATION' yeeepee graduation on the way~
星期四, 7月 20, 2006
.....& my sisters were so OUT to spike ME

My sisters were having fried mee goreng, spicy chicken wings, and a good looking bowl of thai-style tomyam soup. Passing by the dining table, I watched with great temptation yet suddenly, a flash back showing just what my previous diet was. Well, simply a diet that ended me up on a operating table at the hospital.
I had been always having spicy, fried food for almost all my meals, and never fogetting adding alot of chilli into it. The food did once taste nice but it was damaging my entire health! My intestines just couldn't take it anymore and made me ganna fistula~
It's always when something bad hits you, one then realize how important health can be! I'm ain't touching a single drop of chilli sauce nor fried stuffs for about a week now and despite the pain still persitantly occuring at the bottom, everything else seems just more fine.... Hahaha, especially when I visit the toilet.
Having proper healthy meals for everyday IS IMPORTANT! (maybe a meal a day with some un-healthy ones is okie)
星期三, 7月 19, 2006
Home Alone

After these 3 days of torment, the other difficult thing I got to get used to beside sitting in a awakard position, which helps relieve butt pain..... I still have to learn accepting the speed I move around. Hmmm, with less than 10 steps per minutes, I'm truly making great progress than the 1st day.... Keep it up dude!
星期二, 7月 18, 2006
My 1st Opt, PAIN like never~
"Errrr, my IC is S81262............"
"Heelooo Mr Chong, the oepration is finished. How're you feeling?"

"oui boy, how you feeling?" my mom spoke with a gentle voice & somehow it just managed to call me awake. I looked left & I looked right, my hands are all tab~ Ouch!!! I can now felt the PAIN in the butt.....
I was hungry and the nice nurse brought me some milo & biscuits... Was't feeling much like munching the hard biscuits, I gave almost half to mom.
When it was time to leave the NUH, I was completely shock by the PAIN in the wound!!! Such pain that render you from walking... And

Oh butt, get well soon ;p
星期日, 7月 16, 2006
Once I can sit....
Oh dear, a few more hours left...
星期四, 7月 13, 2006
(sorry if these disturb anyone, but this is a good place to vent off......)
Errr~ anybody please? I'm here...
It's merely a few more days to the operation at NUH, and the creepy ok ok~ the scaring feelings tends to slowly have its effects on ME... With my mom looking more tired and wear-out than I do, its kind of terrible to ask her look after me even when I'm done with the opt! My gf wouldn't be there the whole period when I'm being opt-ed but sincerely appreciate the effort and understands she has something on later in the noon~ My dad, ermmm still wondering if he will be there to pick ME up from the hospital? My sisters, gods knows!!!
Maybe its this intense moment that makes myself being more unreasonable or perhaps more sensitive to many issues... Although the opt is just a MINOR one, I still hope till the moment I opened my eyes, there'll be someone there for ME~
And all these intense sensitive wild feelings certainly MAKEs me feel uncomfortable...
星期三, 7月 12, 2006
Of Price, Of Quality... How true is it?
With any of the Madone series set up costing nothing less than S$8000, it makes it one truly "GOD" bike travelling on any roads, streets, lanes, alleys, or even the sewage drains in Singapore. Looking at the fantastic price tag, I left with all the possible thoughs running freely in my mind on HOW TO EVEN OWN ONE of them! Dreaming on the bus myself, it cam to me that it's even hard to spend even there's enough cash in my bank account... Imagine with all those hard earn cash pouring into one bike? And if anyone even will to cough beside you on the bike, KILL THEM!!!!
Ok, abit over the board.... Coming down from the bus, I hurried to the lottery station and brought a decent $2 lottery ticket. Praying praying hard hard it will make all my dreams come true (dreams with a price tags only of cos).
Just S$14,000 to own a TREK Madone SSL... Just roughly S9500 to own a SPECIALIZED SL... Just roughly $9000 to own a GIANT TCR ADVANCED...
I promise to do some good to the society if you let me just have the BIKE!!!
Else in meantime, it's good to play down to earth man.... Look for a job first and see how life turns out to be then
星期日, 7月 09, 2006
I spent S$16.50 for this MAGAZINE...

Feeling pity for myself in the end I've still forgo signing up the cable plan to watch TDF, much due to the fact I have to save my money for better use, or perhaps the rainy days. I've been catching up on the online free highlights broadcast for every stages, well, although it's just kind of a short mini-clips. And I meant really short~ mini~ clip~
Tomorrow I'm going to tilt this mag with a nice cool plastic cover at my camp... Free again don't worry about spending the extra cash... All it needs is a nice gentle effort to protect the pages... IT COST 16.50 loh from Kinokuniya, straight publish from UK so it takes a plane here one... Don't play play cos I don't even have the chance to fly in a plane from UK yet!
I got a strong feeling yet hard to accept that I'm tuning into a roadie soon, ermmm meaning I used to ride trails, just now preferring more to the road rides! Geezz~ How I wish to own a cool road bike soon & all this depends on the chances I got my dream jobby....
星期六, 7月 08, 2006
alamak~ really no one for e RUN???
I woke up 5pm, hehehe really had a wonderful nap today! The tv shows were pretty suckening, maybe they don't kind of expect people staying at home over the weekend watching tv, so it's all flooded with oldies films~
After switching on the laptop, no one seems to reply me on the REALRUN~
The ride previous night really put the toll on me, and the legs are really numb-ly till this morning. The sun is shining bright & hot and gentle winds are blowing into my windows, time to time I can still hear the sounds of the flying birds and the children playing below my block... Today is a good day to sit back & let my world pass by quietly.
I took a look at the clock, 2.30pm...
Feeling sleepy, no matter how much I slept it just seems ain't enough. Maybe I should take some more nap... hehehe~
Emmm, Yaaawwwn... Please make the time holds, & off I'm to a great nap......
星期四, 7月 06, 2006
....The best actor for WC 2006 Oscar goeS to~
Geex, the first thing in mind was to cultivate the determination waking up 3am in the morning while working the next day at 8am! Finding the remote was so difficult in the morning as similar to behaving like a 10 months old baby crawling on the floor to the living room...
"It kicks offff~"
I was laying at the couch seeing almost to more than 20 people kicking the ball here and there, ok sounded bored and yes it was, because for me! Scoring is the only moment I enjoyed while rest are pretty much aimless for me~ "pee pee" my handphone message went off.... It's my girlfriend, she had sms me to just ask whether I saw the handsome who or who doing that spectacular acts! Oh goosh, now thats a different group of people I wished to bring out for this era WC. Despite young or old women, they drool over those handsome players, well rather than football game itself......... hahahaha~
Just before I stretched my finger over the long remote control to press the POWER button, someone fell down and everyone gathered around....... An accident? An injury? Well let's see the replay~ Errrh nothing wrong le??? So whats the ~~~
Then I started realizing that all those big tall well-builded hulks were like feathers! Even with the slightest tag can make them do a triple toss flip bend over growling type of act~ OH GEEEZZ, so drama!
Then a friend of mine told me it's a normal thing in WC or any other big soccer events, players tend to just play drop dead easily.... well, for me just hoping to get a free kick or sending someone off i supposed....
Then I noticed more~ Shoot at your might outside the penalty box, while try all means to play dead or do the TRIPLE TOSS FLIP TURN TWIST act to get a penalty kick and even better it was to send the player off with a "ANG BAO"......
Sounded crazy, so beside ball skill and fittness......... I see all players attended drama school before or perhaps they watched too many of the WWC......
Nevertheless, I'm still going to catch the exciting finale between Italy vs. France~
星期三, 7月 05, 2006

逃婚? 這是關於 一個被逃婚的偶像明星故事
因演出偶像劇「愛情合約」而迅速走紅,綽號便當的男明星劉雨鳴(賀軍翔 飾演),繼日前不顧經紀公司反對,傳出決定閃電結婚的消息後,在結婚現場更是衝突連連,事件不斷,除了影迷因便當結婚而在教堂前引發激烈肢體衝突外,後來大家卻發現結果是───女方逃婚了……
便當在慌亂之中和他的的化妝助理─小晴(飾演)一個想要逃婚的女人 ,兩人在緊要關頭,經過變裝之後,暫時擺脫了媒體的無情追擊 。
被媒體追到無家可歸的便當以及他的死忠助理米粉(莎莎飾演),兩人因為無路可走在小晴的介紹下躲進了一個奇異的地方「逃生艙」,這裡的人全部是想逃離自己人生,逃避日本債務的Poki(北村豐晴 飾演)、逃家小鬼吻仔魚(納豆 飾演)、還有逃生艙老闆船頭(夏靖庭飾演)於是奇妙的一群人在這邊開始了一段關於逃與被逃的愛情故事...... 。

~* My Wish List *~
1. A white collar shirt for graduation.
3. A Specialized road bike with Dura-ace group set & good pair of wheelset.
4. A digital camera (Sony).
5. A few more new PSP games.
6. A new handphone (N93).
7. A needle-hand watch.
8. A new mattress.
9. A new swimming goggles.
10. A car (HONDA ACCORD)
11. A flat-screen tv in my room.
12. A couples of starhub cable channels.
13. A de-odourant (HUGO).
14. A suit with matching pants & shirt.
15. A lighter laptop.
16. A condo
17. A new normal spectacles.
18. A fish tank with fishes.
19. A good looking body with 6-pacs. (working extremely hard at it now)
20. A bicycle rack enough to hold 2 bikes.
21. A videocam
22. A dog.
23. A tennis racket.
24. A golf club set.
25. A ipod nano.
26. A new sandles.
27. A extra jogging shoe.
28. An Oakley bagpack.
29. A extra thighs for cycling.
30. A wireless lan in my house.
100. .................................. A close and loving family.
星期二, 7月 04, 2006
A stronger identity & Sayonara TDF 2006~~
Just for a stronger identity of being a Singapore NS man, I got to fork out my personal allowances to put on the extra name tags & the national name tags... (Sorry, I'm not complaining that it looks ugly nor been against the idea BUT just ain't happy to fork out the money and seeing the sewing aunties happy looking FACES) It really doesn't looks any different, but *heng* we are not require to sew the nation name on our sleeves or there is going to be more jobs, removing and putting on the ranks again~
Off to beach road liaooooooooooooooo
Oh shit, Starhub coverage on the TDF is really sucky. Think nothing compare to being there over in France looking at the LIVE event!!! World Cup seems to dampen and shifted the attentions away from TDF, with everyone sleeping now just to catch the tonight Germany against Italy~ And so far wonder is me myself always miss the news broadcast on the TDF or they are just too focus on WC??? huh??? my local channels~~~
星期日, 7月 02, 2006
Sunny MorNing @ Osim Tri 2006~
I even took a taxi down to see the starting horn of the "Sprint Cat.". Wooh it's such a event with participants aged of 7 to almost 60++ people join the race. You see all sorts of people, fat, thin, short, tall, and even some dressed in a darn funny way!!! It wasn't about speed nor power.... It's more to enjoying the event & making your way to the finishing line~
Darn, hope I can get my roadie soon enough to join the OSIM Tri 2007.....!!!
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