My inbox was jammed again by the school debt-hunters. Apparently I still owned the school's library some overdue charges for 3 books I borrowed during those days doing my final year report. Well, they even gave me a big "WARNING" sign threatening me if I don't pay up, I wouldn't be allowed to step into the convocational hall + receiving my scroll.... Now it doesn't appear they this fierce when they wanted us to donate some money to the school, naming it " The 2006 Class Gift" kind of thingy~ Oh goosssh, I simply cannot believe those system in my school~
So, I had to reschedule my appointments and head back school next week just to pay up the CHARGES they charged me, amounting to a GREAT sum of S$1.50 only.....
Now now, I haven't even complained about the stupid allocation that the school had played a joke on me! They allocated 2 students, at the same time, same venue but with just one screen to present their FYP!!! Darm it, and made me worried like ants on a hot pan looking for free rooms.... + with a decent workable projector! In end, I had to settle for a lousy one instead..... Ohhhhh, life just ain't a fair playing ground..... To live, learn the tricks and adapt fast~
Stupid stupid school...........

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