Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期三, 5月 10, 2006

Brianc 说: The day after tomorrow.....?

When the times are tough, the tough gets going...
An age old saying that was constantly flooding in my mind for these past few days. The trip to Taipei is still about 2 weeks ahead, and I'm already too excited for it. Maybe its just because I'm now too free at home waiting here and there..... Been waiting for the date to Taipei, the date returning Army, the date to start looking for a job, and etc~ What's the day going to be like after tomorrow?
The final presentation was already over yesterday, things went pretty well for the start not until the examiner started to pop some tough QnA, survival is the key, while to score is a bonus. Things managed to slip its way through and the whole session took just 40 mins. Yes, a mere 40 mins to summarize all the hard works done the past 1 year. Is it time to put the easy-going life of a student behind and move forward to the vast world infront of me? Most reluctantly I am to leave the comfort zone, I told myself maybe its about time to face a new environment.
Hmmm, the day after tomorrow? Is it all about waking up in the morning to work or be laying on the sofa at home waiting for the days to wear off by itself?
Truly a moddy morning I had now, seems like relaxing with no money comes in a big issue. When one turns 25, responsibilties piles up and often then not, bills always follow its way to you. "Ahhhhhh boy, since you graduated its time to share the expenses of the house" came a saying from my dad. Woaaah, thats fast dude~ Am I about to indulge on a journey of a typical citizen of my national and thats wake up = work = get paid = pay bills = sleep = (again the cycle goes one).........
Hmmmm, whats the day like after tomorrow.................?



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