Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期四, 5月 18, 2006

bRianC's TaLe: Movie saga~

Anyone watched Da Vinci Codiie? Post me some comments on it please bcos I'm really contemplating whether to watch it a'not. The month of May is really a whole hell of movie saga, having for us are Da Vinci Codiie, X-men, Over e Hedge, Posoidon, MI (III) and the yet to release Pirates of the Carr~~~
With the on-going price peak in the movie tickets and myself being currently low onz cash, hand-picking the few best out of them is REQUIRED!!! else I'll be crunching on the grass for my breakfast/lunch/dinner during the taipei tour. MI(III) is really a fantastic! From its (I) to (II) my mission to catch it never once fail, hahaha~ But (III) was indeed the making of the BEST... Urrrhhhhh....... So how? Whats next on the chart? Okie, let see well I can only pick 2 more to cure my desire OVER the new shows! Posoiden seems like typical titanic except having more newer-edge equipments inside the ship like those falling air-con pipes, flying computers and dropping lifts.... :P X-men is still loitering around Humans vs Mutants relationship, which maybe drags on to to X-men (IV) hohohoho~
Oh goshhhhhh~ Da Vinci oh Da Vinci, I'm worried that the show is all wild-goose chase down from France to England + stupid dark forcese behind scenes to cover the secrets UP!!! Hmmm, murder scene leading to the disclosure of "truth" hidden that threatening faith?????
diao* diao*
Ahhhhhh, yes yes for (Over The Hedge) baby~ read the comic strips couple of dayz back then & realized its really a enjoyable show! Maybe itz kind of in my blood as I alwayz favor animated productions~ As for now the only C'firm movie is O 'the' Hedge
Geeeeeeeeeee~ Feedback boyz + Gerz, how how? Anyone watch Da Vinci's? Is it boring or really inject the fear and doubts into one's head and plot-wise-enjoyable OR plot-stupid-boring?
LET ME KNOW............ Tks!!!



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