Anyone watched Da Vinci Codiie? Post me some comments on it please bcos I'm really contemplating whether to watch it a'not. The month of May is really a whole hell of movie saga, having for us are Da Vinci Codiie, X-men, Over e Hedge, Posoidon, MI (III) and the yet to release Pirates of the Carr~~~
With the on-going price peak in the movie tickets and myself being currently low onz cash, hand-picking the few best out of them is REQUIRED!!! else I'll be crunching on the grass for my breakfast/lunch/dinner during the taipei tour. MI(III) is really a fantastic! From its (I) to (II) my mission to catch it never once fail, hahaha~ But (III) was indeed the making of the BEST... Urrrhhhhh....... So how? Whats next on the chart? Okie, let see well I can only pick 2 more to cure my desire OVER the new shows! Posoiden seems like typical titanic except having more newer-edge equipments inside the ship like those falling air-con pipes, flying computers and dropping lifts.... :P X-men is still loitering around Humans vs Mutants relationship, which maybe drags on to to X-men (IV) hohohoho~
Oh goshhhhhh~ Da Vinci oh Da Vinci, I'm worried that the show is all wild-goose chase down from France to England + stupid dark forcese behind scenes to cover the secrets UP!!! Hmmm, murder scene leading to the disclosure of "truth" hidden that threatening faith?????
diao* diao*
Ahhhhhh, yes yes for (Over The Hedge) baby~ read the comic strips couple of dayz back then & realized its really a enjoyable show! Maybe itz kind of in my blood as I alwayz favor animated productions~ As for now the only C'firm movie is O 'the' Hedge
Geeeeeeeeeee~ Feedback boyz + Gerz, how how? Anyone watch Da Vinci's? Is it boring or really inject the fear and doubts into one's head and plot-wise-enjoyable OR plot-stupid-boring?
LET ME KNOW............ Tks!!!
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