Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期四, 12月 14, 2006

Q - ing

The day began with oh my weekend coming soon! Funny thoughs yet it had become my every week goal. Perhaps its about the same for everyone else working now or maybe their weekends are burn which can be pretty bad....

Today I looked at my Q at Boonlay bus interchange and ponder upon the mass crowd infront of me. Boy am I going to be in this kind of Q for the rest of my life, or how many years do I have to stack up with these people every single day morning of my life? Before the thoughs went wild, I suddenly though of owning a CAR....

Some says waste of money but I say I buy TIME with a car! Just imagine the time saved from waiting, pushing, bashing & sometimes even smelling funny odours.

I had alot to say but today darn tired! Went to the gym + jog with my fellow colleages.... ZZZzzzZZzzzzzZzz~

I'm currently into the business of home renovation. Please consider me if you need one.
I truly appreciate for any chances!
(Please email: for further info)



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