I Love Singapore: Version (3)
Being a multi-culture and religion land, often do we see great happenings around us over the places. And today I'm showcasing some of the interesting events that occur in my place...
Version (3): Eventful Country

The nightsky was brighten up with fireworks
near the esplanade at 9pm after my wonderful
dinner at marina square...

Modestly taken couples of pictures with my
modest 1megapixel mobile phone. While
pondering when can I own the N93?

of events going on. The ones on the right is an wonderful yet odd
event going on organized by the malay groups. Well, it's kind of out to educate citizens to pay more attention in safe sex & reduce
the chances of pregnancy~ Hmmm, strange right?

Sepak Takraw competition going on too! While some off aside playing basketballs....
PS: Don't ever complain about we lack places to spend weekends! There's only BORING people, yet no BORING places.....
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