Over soooo many years, we never fail to put our
'love the country' expression hanging out of our apartments. Well indeed for many years we'll been doing the similiar things, wonder if creativity is somehow stuck there, well since this era is all about recycling, reuse so on.... We though that reusing those flags over and over the years can maybe shower and display out neverdying love for the country.... PS: Remember to hang it the correct manner or you'll be either warned or in serious case thrown behind bars if you do anything creative to the original designs.....

Yes, they are all around us... From windows of our apartments to along the roads, streets and even the lifts. Although it brighten up the entire neighbourhood for about a month, for someone like me seeing these same layouts years & years later... I'm pretty bored & starting to find it well much
Please please... I think we'll be more creative (in the right way) to make this day more special right? wooohooo Mr/Ms commitees of my district.
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