@ bRiAn's : Movie Saga ( e report)
Now now, with the many new movies releases in May and perhaps more for the June when the 'start of the local school term break'. People are just getting more and more exicted over it!!! If you are wondering which show score the best this far, & I do have the answer.
Tom Cruise's MI(III) swept the S'Isle with almost an over total gross sales amounting to US$85,100,142 in pocket since it's release! And next on the chart is also a pretty new film 'Posoidon' ranking second so far with a wide gap in their earnings compared to Mr Tom's. (ref:http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/charts/boxoffice/top_ten.jsp) And while the MOST anticipated Mr DaVinci's making seems like going to be the leader of all. Sorry since it's the new-newest release, no earning info on it..... But anything that challenges history always seems to ROCK the house. Well, being our life boring of course which allow these films to spur up some emotions~ HahAhaha!
Come on baby~ SUPERMAN is in town, and for many out there I hoped, very little people is un-aware of this age-old superhero in blue & red outfit, coupled with its famous underwear outside his tights, is making its appearance in my S'Isle! Hmmm, 'storywise' never mind, 'plot' I dun even care abit..... "Huh? Already repeated so MANY times in history" Now whats the matter...... IT'S SUPERMAN you know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See this picture, Cooooolzzz~

The problem now is whether I should catch it with the boyz or with my darling? Something girls don't really realize why there's Superman, batman, captain america, spiderman so on? Hmmm, maybe so far most girls prefer spidey, geeezzz beats me dude, just a general view of mine~
More of SUPERMAN ;p

And for more Kore@n fanz out there, the famous Male lead aka 池珍熙 (Ji Jin-Hee) starring in <大长今> will be having his new film on the Isle.... Perhap you might need a few second to adjust to his ' modern image', and that means taking away the mostuche~~~ Here's a little for your eyes~

The only shitting part of this K movie is it's (R-21) so little boyz & girlz are unable to watch...
Hohohoho..... Life's hard, makez it Sofer~
@ bRiaN
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