Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期二, 3月 07, 2006

~* brianc - A Dream to be True? *~

"Very slowly, I opened the suitcase and Bloffff~ tons & tons & tons of money flew out, splashing onto my face and grabbing one off my face and took a look at it, I managed to realize them all to be 100 dollar notes!!! YES, I'M RICH..... The very first thing that shoot into my head is the comfortable and realxing life ahead and the ability to buy my new fond dream bike 'The Cervelo Soloist'. Travel to all places on this planet and dine only in the finest restaurants~~~~"
Tooooo~ Doooooo~ ToooDooooo~ came a sound.........................
F**King hell, I was dreaming. Woah but indeed a very nice dream to have all nights, excluding the poor ending in the last part. Back to reality, FYP mode again and rushing the very last bit of it and handing in on this coming friday..... "wait! you can extend your submission date!!!" Oh shit, this good thing always passed me by. But anyway, I'm amost done now with everything and holding on any longer just make one's life more miserable~
Been to the career fair and managed to grab an interview session.... heehee, not bad yeah? But the work nature is pretty siong since its a 12-hr shift type.... The best part is it pays darn well, with a night shift totalling up to about 3k a mth.......
KK! i understand, back to fyp again~ Hai, can't even take a break..... MY running nose worsen, feeling abit cold and slpy..... Oh no no! cannot fall down now dudes!!!! COme ON!, GoGOGO~



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