Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期日, 2月 26, 2006

~* brianc - a GREY day *~

It was Grey
I opened my eyes & took a look around my room, it's quiet and cold as usual for anyone who had woke up in the middle of the night while sleeping. But this time round, I had a funny feeling that the night ain't hanging around.... Slowly, I stretch my hand to my desk, trying hard to find my handphone with almost eyes closed. Arhhhh~ 11.30am!!! with my eyes wide open now, "And there goes my pre-plan morning jog I promised myself the night before......" I thought to myself.
Still finding difficult to pull my ass off the bed, I was wondering if my clock was spoiled or what when my room still appears dark & cold... I gently peep through my curtains, and woooah~~ a pitch grey colour filled the world! Apparently, it's going to rain soon. I stood right next to the curtain, contiuning my stare to the grey-lish backdrop. "Oooooh, Don't one love rainy days" I wondered? I always felt things tend to slower their pace during rainy periods, the usual rush and panic in our world seems to disappear for a moment. And everyone stood still, looking at the rain as it falls...
Looking across my window is the other HDB block and from my little hole I created with my curtains, I can simply glare at the households next door... It's always interesting to find that there are all sorts of people with different characters living around us, there'll the newly-weds decorating their new place, childrens running about through another window, people cooking for their love ones, windows that were never once opened, similar people standing aimlessly at their windows, and many more kinds.... Its almost like viewing all sorts of lifes just right through a small hole of mine....
Then I told myself its been pretty comforting for one to just take a moment to realize what kind of life they have been leading all this while? Is this life-style so far so good or a feel of change? Well, I really appreciate this "Grey" day of mine, if not I would have forgotten to sometimes " take a break...." and look around.
Took my towel and toothbrush and headed to the bathroom~



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