Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期六, 10月 14, 2006

Things Realized After Working~


  1. Always wear a smile, it shows your humble friendly attitude as a freshie in the company & will get into the circle earlier.
  2. Being busy means you are of value and serve a purpose there.
  3. Being non-busy means two things; (a) Seniors not willing to teach. (b) Be ready to get invited off as you serve no task.
  4. Getting married is good, because you don't have to spend time meeting gf and sending her home while feeling all tire after the long day~ All is to go home & see her, time is better managed after that.
  5. Working OT is normal! makes sure OT-ing is notice by boss, if not presenting him a taxi claim the next day will makes boss guess if you are really working or just chatting on MSN.
  6. Walk around the office with a piece of paper or file, makes people feel that you are moving around for work, ain't walking around loathing...
  7. Lunch time is for eating, not for napping at your sit although it's lunch by right.
  8. Don't always stay late in office, people will find you no-life + eager to prove something...
  9. Friday, Saturday & Sunday are best days of a week.
  10. Owning a car is an investment to cut time on travelling, in another way gives you more time to spend on other things.
  11. Being busy or tired isn't a good explaination for not keeping fit. Do it in weekends if there's a need.
  12. Napping all day long over weekends are total waste of LIFE!
  13. Once a week, treat yourself to some nice food at nice places. (Please don't go foodcourts or fastfood resturants).
  14. Keep your desk full of notes, files, papers, pens. Too clean a working desk makes you looks like any watch dog in a house. "Just keeping a lookout & Do nothing for whole day"
  15. Experiences WINS over your whatever class degree you have. Never look down on those technicians and foreign workers...
  16. "Comment your ideas over to your lower link, don't Command!"
  17. Class 95 FM has become my motivational radio station when I step out in the morning!
  18. Beware of morale sinkers, aka people in the office that sink your work morale by spreading many negatives about the company.
  19. Choose a MRT cabin that has beautiful ladies, trust me it makes your day shine abit more!
  20. Don't think about work when you're home (sometimes v hard I understand)... Relax~~~
  21. Loan DVDs to watch, it's a good way to sit back, nuah & enjoy the show....
  22. Blogging of my daily life becomes a hobby!
  23. Spend more money to get yourself a quality bed + pillow. The last thing you want is to wake up feeling all beat still...
  24. I always set a nice waking up ring tone on my mobile phone, when it rings me up in the morning, I feel GOODz!!!
  25. A light supper makes the night more enjoyable...........



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