Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期六, 4月 08, 2006

布莱恩 说: "我的第二年由南大"

Anyway, the chinese wordings just said "my second year in NTU". Been abit distracted on the issues on the previous 2 posts, so lets bring everyone back to the 2nd year during NTU life.
I spent half of my days for the second year in school, while the other half doing my internship. Apart from all the regular khakis, I happened to be the only one going for the first round of internship program. Pretty sucks in the begining because it meant we ain't seeing one another that frequently say for about a year. For the start, the internship pays really well for a novice that didn't require much brain-work, basically I performed more like a office boy rather than involving the more related works in the department. Although the name of the company sounded nice on any resume, the nature of the work tends to rather pull me down from the "appealing to the recruiter face". They were often wondering why in the hell a 'engineering fellow' intern-ing at a retail marketing department. Putting aside the welfare and benefits during my stay in the company, I'm also grateful that I met some really good people in there, although the least fortunate thing is we'll ain't in anymore contacts. So, everyone moves on.... During my third month stay during the internship program, I started to observe a interesting scene. People comes to office days after days, months after months, and years after years, so have they wonder where in this world they are heading?
When one person goes for the higher a pursue in accademic levels, he/she gets more timid in life. Now, very few have seen a phd person in marketing or material engineering goes sell clothes at Hereen place nor setting up art gallery., do you? So once this people gets into a job that pays fairly well and see stability in the next 5-10 years, they just dig their roots deeper and deeper into that route. Timid is the best description as non will be risk-takers anymore and the original dreams of becoming whatsoever will tend to drift further and further away from one self. But Security is another hidden word behind it as the stable job allows you to sometimes indulge in your original dream somehow~.
Well, example: I dreamt of becoming an astronomer, a chef and sometimes a artist during my kids to teenage years... But later found great interests in cycling so a new dream of riding in the TDF become the newest goal.... But as how reality gets so real in life, dream is often still pretty far from real. SO, what to do? hahaha, Buy bikes and ride around lohzzzz..... And so this is how dreams turned into a "hobby"...... and very often we become pleased with it. So its really envy for those who really found their true belongings in something they do everyday.... Bless them well man.
2nd part of my second year in NTU, hmmmm urrrrr..... If I'm still clear of what it is all about (old memories flashing back in head), its kind of projects, meetings, quizs, presentation, data collections so on so for.... Ain't no break dude, just ain't no break.. but its alot more fun when group of us sit together to solve projects problems!!! hahaha, am crazy right but its the only time we get to know one another better = via interactions....... So many thanks to MS305 team (yongqiang, alex, cheryl, liting, xiaoping) & my fav. HRM team (BG, helena, alvin, peng, joson, xiaomei) Without u'll, things will never be done. Then exams, then well choose FYP, then final year~~~~
While all these times, pingpong pig never once left my side...... Boooooooooo~



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