Brianc '的' place

brianc culture states: Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures & actions - your power will be enhanced & your character will seem larger than life.

星期四, 8月 31, 2006

My Toughest so Far...

Lasting for almost to one and a half hour, I could say that's my toughest interview I'll gone through in my whole 25 years living on this planet.

I could still recalled the moments this afternoon. The sky was dark, covered by pieces of greyish clouds and the chill winds were blowing in from the sea. I was walking very fast across the walkway under a long but narrow roof that only helped kept the falling rains from hitting my head, while other parts of my shirt were wet.

I changed my security pass for the second time, and the HR lady guided me into their admin building... "Geez, thank god I finally made it here" I whispered to myself.

I told myself to perform the best as this is really one rare opportunity to make it here into this company! But the moment I stepped into the building, there wasn't any form of warm feel... People were doing their own stuffs, in their own rooms, and neither there were any conversation loud enough to be heard by another along the corridors.... It was a boring place for a moment I thought. I was interviewed by a powerful man, he shot me with the toughest questions in this entire world, and I must admit he's a smart dude for I never once felt so helpless infront of anyone before... He never let a chance to spot my loose ends in my answers, and this dragged on for the 1.5 hrs!!!

Evaluation of me falls into 3 cat. (1) Evaluate me as personal character, (2) Evaluate me as solving a situation I'm not familar with & (3) QnA..... The first part lasted for about 30 minutes, I performed well as I am presenting myself and showcasing my abilities! I stumpped on the next 40 minutes on questions like the followings:

The first stage Q:
- Can you say something about your invlovement in your cycling activities?
- What significant role do you play in your team?
- What significant ideas or events you as a individual had implement / organize?
- You are involved in some clubs in university, can you say smth on them?
- What's your greatest achievement so far?
- What's your greatest challenge in life?
- What is your reasons in doing all these stuffs?

The second stage Q:
- Are you familar with privatization, say a company or any institute? Can you elaborate?
- What does tourism means to you? Why do we promote tourism? What are the advantages & Dis advantages?
-What do you think are some forms of tourism? Please explain them...
- What if you are the minister of tourism in S'pore and for the next minutes you are to present your vision in molding the country's toursim for the next 5, 10 and 15 years... Say smth~

CHIM!!!!! Can guess what company it is?


Anonymous 匿名 said...

clarke notified likes paragraph listening hoist katzcontext plague deficit overwhelming skoblo
lolikneri havaqatsu

5:46 上午  


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