Fast? I have already put this onto blog maybe by the time both of you reach home. Really happy to have you'll down my place today and hopefully the trip was enjoyable? Ermmm, beside allan's personal encounter with his flat, everything turn out smooth~
9.45AmMorning was fantastic!! And nothing makes it better than to ride off into the wilds together with friends. One final toilet break before we pedal on and everyone grabs the chance. Since I had no water to release, I stay put to snap a picture before buzzing~
10Am~11.30Am"Errr where's Allan huh?" I asked. "Dunno le??? Maybe he ganna caught by monkeys from the wilds" replied Tze L. Now this is really getting funny as Allan is MIA for almost pretty long, I quickly turned my way round to look back for him~ Geex, within a minute of ride I saw him sitting down under the beautiful shade of the busstop.
"FLAT tyre Brian~~~" screamed Allan
Wah lau, we were almost reaching our destination, Goat Farm and Dragon Fruit Farm le... Come this flat really put one man behind. Now the concern is not about reaching the farms but was getting out of that stupid place. No buses wanted to load Allan + bike one but heng!!! one good auntie driving a lorry decided to stop down and lombang him to the SHELL at BL.

(Haha~ Only two made it to farm)
Well since one is down, we still can bring the other one to the Goat Farm. Me and Tze L rode off quickly and hahaha only two made it there!! We never forget Allan la~ Drank our chilled milk and we Da Bao another bottle of cocoa milk (goat) for Allan, waiting desperately for us at the SHELL station.
12Noon ~ .........
Finally met up with Allan and FINALLY also the [Presentation of Goat Milk] to him lol~ Later we carried on to mend the tyre + had our wonderful and well-deserevd lunch!!!! And till next time, the journey continues.................
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