Returning to wear that green uniform had always never fail put a saddening impact on me, but no matter how much tears I let out, there's definately no way to siam (aka escape) this, thus lets "ROCK n ROLL" as what my nano-material Jean Kim protested always; I shall hold up rifle and unleash my "love-country-spirit" to rock n roll my land...
Yah Yah Yah~ so much for the effort previously, and the next troublesome stuff is finding a job~ I'm often seen as a simple guy with minimum expectations in life, & so as long the job offers a good pay, stylish offices, impactful company name (one that makes your fellow friends go Woooooooo~), accessible locations, fantastic welfare, etc......... "I AM ON FOR THAT JOB!!!" True enough, it might turn out me performing a acceptance sampling on those qualify ones~ hmmmm, lets pick my AQL then...........;p
Applying what I learn in school is soooo difficult..............
brianc rules *~
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